“The Doom Statues” — Chapter 45
Though the tours ramp up within a few hours of their return, and perhaps Kidwell might have been expecting something from him today, Jeremy crashes until well past noon. It doesn’t much matter, because nothing requiring his intervention happens, and anyway the owner of this property is nowhere to be seen.
His absence is puzzling, but must indicate more pressing business elsewhere — considering how stoked about this whole tour concept he has been, up to this point. At the very least, however, he apparently cajoled the tall, orange haired, feminine acting kid from the Fairlawn Diner into pitching in at the kitchen, as the lad shows up around six in the morning, claiming such. Denise, who has willingly decided to augment poor Grace’s overworked role during these tours, at least today, walking around under her own volition and mingling with everyone, is at the café making breakfast when she spots him behind the counter.
“Hey!” she cheers, calling out to him, “I’m surprised to see you here! Although…I guess I didn’t realize your hair is, like, dyed bright orange. I thought it was actually orange orange, like naturally.”
“Mmm, it mostly sorta is. I think. At this point it’s kinda hard to even remember what I originally looked like,” he tells her with a laugh. “If I remember right I went blonde, and then a whole bunch of other colors and now…