Focus On: Salisbury NC

Jason McGathey
19 min readJul 23, 2024
Salisbury North Carolina name mural

Though situated along a major interstate, I-85, and boasting some 35,000 residents, it seems as though Salisbury is less well known than virtually any of the other nearby cities surrounding it. Even its Wikipedia page is a bit of a snoozefest. However, I consider this an interesting place on the map — more so than the nearly equally sized Statesville, for example — and if not quite a destination you might term “exciting,” it is certainly worth spending a full day exploring.

In their formative years, Charlotte and Salisbury were often held side by side for comparison, as natives wondered which would ultimately become the greater city. Most felt it would be the latter, and while we can all see how that turned out, Salisbury is not without its charms. For non-locals (or even some of us in the region who can’t seem to get this right), it’s not pronounced as you might imagine, not like the steak or the city in England, but rather Salzburry. As though a “burry” belonging to some guy named Sal. This is something to keep in mind if hoping to avoid sounding like a rube — maybe practice this one at home first, before checking out some of these sights, sounds, and tastes that I am about to randomly describe:

Rail Walk Brewery



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